A Comprehensive Guide to Somatic Yoga

The practice of yoga yields many benefits for the body and mind. However, how much you reap depends on the mindset you apply to your practice. Somatic yoga, through a focus on gentle internal awareness over rigid external conformity to guidelines, strengthens the mind-body connection, which helps it provide relief for trauma, mental illness, and even chronic pain.
Chair Yoga For Seniors

Chair yoga, one of the most popular exercises for seniors, will help keep your body active without putting it under strain. Incorporating chair yoga into your daily routine yields multiple benefits, keeping you in tune with your body while improving strength, flexibility, motion, balance, mood, stress resilience, and pain management.
What Is Aerial Yoga?

Aerial yoga (also regarded as flying yoga) uses a silk hammock that is suspended from the ceiling. This type of yoga is a combination of aerial arts and acrobatic-style movements, along with classic yoga poses.
12 Types Of Yoga: Finding The Best Yoga Practice For You

There are many types of yoga to choose from, with each one offering a unique pathway to health and harmony. Whether you prefer an energetic flow, a meditative experience, or even something in between, aligning your yoga style with your personal goals ensures you have a more fulfilling journey.
What is Chair Yoga (Seated Yoga)?

Ever felt a bit overwhelmed by those intimidating yoga poses but still keen on giving it a shot? Chair yoga might just be the style for you. Take note that while chair yoga isn’t exactly “easy,” it provides a safe, accessible alternative for home practice if traditional yoga feels a bit too challenging for now.
15+ Yoga Poses For Every Kind Of Practitioner

Each pose or sequence in yoga targets specific areas of the body and mind. As a versatile and holistic approach to health and wellness, it’s no wonder many people today still find solace in practicing yoga.
What is Kundalini Yoga?

Would you like to try a yoga practice that deeply enhances your meditation and awareness? Then, kundalini yoga might just be the yoga style for you. Kundalini yoga takes you on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening, going beyond routine physical exercise to elevate both your mind and body.
What is Vinyasa Yoga (AKA Vinyasa Flow Yoga)

In the world of yoga, one style has captured the hearts of practitioners worldwide: vinyasa yoga. The popularity of vinyasa extends beyond its fluid sequences and graceful transitions; it has become the so-called “heartbeat” of the practice as many people appreciate how balanced the practice is.
Ashtanga Yoga: Is Ashtanga The Right Yoga Style For You?

Ashtanga yoga is a time-tested practice in the vast world of fitness and health. For centuries, this yoga style has been helping people to find strength and balance. This type of yoga goes beyond mere bodily exercises, embodying a synergy of movement, breath, and spirituality.
What is Yin Yoga?

Yin Yoga is a form of passive movement that focuses on utilizing a few exercises held for an extended time. Yin Yoga is often infused within Ashtanga Yoga. Some of the poses used in both are Corpse Pose, Cobra Pose, and Child’s Pose. All of these are good for stretching out before or after a session. Yin Yoga opens the door to many benefits beyond flexibility, although that does come with practice. It can help promote relaxation and ease depression and anxiety. As yoga focuses heavily on the mind, it encourages better mental health.